AIMC Sangha will have put shoes now and for months to come on the tired feet of many humans. Our Sangha/Family has huge and generous hearts! Approximately 450 shoes are being offered to Asylum Seekers/immigrants by AIMC Sangha. Many comfortable
and lovely walking and running shoes were donated. Some shoes were brand new and still in their boxes. So many, many beautiful shoes!

Story: About the time we started the AIMC Shoe Campaign, the buses quit running through ABQ because of politics – and simultaneously many shoes started coming into the Center. We heard and trusted that the buses would start up again. We found
storage for the shoes and waited for the word. Early March we decided to seek means for direct delivery to the Border to places such as Annunciation House. We found our guy: a Quaker from Santa Fe who makes regular runs down but was out of the state until April. In April, Quaker David took about 250 pairs from AIMC down to the Border area. Perfect timing – Thank you, David!

Another approximately 200 shoes went to the “Welcome Center” in ABQ, which is where clothing is kept for Asylum Seekers being bused into ABQ. (Seekers are processed by ICE at the Border before they are moved into the US. Seekers have designated
destinations to connect with family, friends, and sponsors and will be going on by bus, plane, or some staying in ABQ.) It is a difficult journey and clean clothing, showers, and Shoes are a welcome gift as they come to the US through ABQ.

Thank you so much to all who lovingly surrendered gently used shoes and those generously purchased pairs. A special thank you to Sangha members MaryLou Wilson and Ruth Anne Ball who brought the shoes to Tiska’s house every week after Sangha
night and sorted them with her. Another special thank you to Donna Haughney who campaigned on the west side among neighbors and brought many donated shoes to the Center. Thank you to Activists Pat Bonilla and Renee Wolters who continuously work to
help Asylum Seekers at our border and in ABQ, and who made the contacts for AIMC
with the Welcome Center.

Blessings all around!! Thank you for your generosity, Tiska Blankenship