The Buddha taught: “If you knew as I know the benefit of generosity, you would not let an opportunity go by without sharing.” The cultivation of dana (the Pali word for generosity) offers the possibility of transforming greed, fear, clinging, and self-centeredness. Dana practice lies at the heart of Buddhist practice. Essentially, generosity strengthens relationship, reciprocity, and a deep understanding of interconnectedness. We welcome donations at events and gatherings as well as here on our website.

One-Time Donation

To make a One-Time Donation by credit card, click here.

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You can choose to make your donation using PayPal or credit card:

One-Time Donation

To make a One-Time Donation by credit card, click here.

Offer a Sustaining Gift

AIMC thanks you for your continuous generosity!

You can choose to make your donation using PayPal or credit card: